mother & baby

Coming Soon - Mother & Baby Classes


They say that the sooner you can get your children in the water and learning to swim, the better. The younger you start, the more easily little ones adapt to splashing around in pools, and the more comfortable they become in water. 

At SwimBug, we take this to heart. 

We believe that kids should be able to get in and embrace the water as soon as possible, which is why we’re really excited to announce our brand new Mother & Baby classes, starting very soon! 

There’s no better way to get your little tots accustomed to the water than in our small, calming, heated pools - so much warmer than any you’d find at a leisure centre. 

You’ll get into the water with your toddlers, and our qualified instructor will guide you through a series of exercises, movements and tasks, all designed to soothe your child (and yourself), grow the bond between Mum and baby, and generally just start the learning process early. 

Mother & Baby classes are perfect for bringing you closer to your child, and our small groups ensure you get a great amount of individual attention from our instructors. Before long, you’ll both be in love with the water, and you’ll have set your child on the path to becoming a successful, confident swimmer. 

As our groups are kept small and intimate, places are very limited. If you want to find out more, and secure your place on our first Mother and Baby block of classes, then register your details with us today.